spags in red
relaxation 101

these are the first key strokes toward a dream of mine for many a change of season. the year has just turned fresh, and i decided… why keep dreaming?? Make it happen sister. my love for cooking has been a rock solid one for greater than ten years now, since i was gifted a fire engine red KitchenAid mixer. one of the first things i whipped out was a Pavlova… with fresh whipped cream and seasonal fruits. i was smitten. the posts to follow will contain some of my tried and true recipes ~ chocked full of wacky measurements and explanations along the way for why you ‘need’ to do it this way or that.  the bulk of these recipes have been stuck in my head for a decade, and will finally make their way to some formal arrangement.  this will delight not only myself, but i’m sure the many lovelies over the years who have asked me for the recipe to this or that… only to have me forget the request and fail to deliver.  my apologies en masse.

i am admittedly a dump cook, and thrive on grabbing recipes by the arm and yanking them around a bit.  these new recipes will someday become old faves, and that, my friend is what it’s all about.  it’s food evolution…. one household at a time.  discovering what works – what doesn’t – and wondering why.  it’s the wonder that the passion clings to.  once you gain the confidence in your cooking skills, the possibilities are truly endless.

video tutorials will appear for your viewing pleasure as well. special guests will rotate, and the vino will flow alongside the food. a G rating can almost never be guaranteed, aside from maybe my initial clip on how to section a grapefruit like a rockstar.

begin fun. begin creative river flow. begin opportunity.

take one pee pee step away from The Man.   prestige worldwide baby!!!! renew you.